Numax Batteries for EV's?

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Numax Batteries for EV's?

Postby SimonR » Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:23 am

We (my company) retail Numax CXV batteries for 4x4 winching applications and have found them rather good. They quote 1000A MCA and at least for short durations sag much less than say Optimas and have lower Internal resistance than Odysseys.

I had originally intended to use these as we buy them in big enough quantities to get a reasonable discount. However, I have just noticed that they are selling an 'EV' battery - but can't find any spec on them.

I'll give the importer a ring later to see if they have any more info - but wondered if any of you had tried these (or CXV's) in an EV?


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Postby SimonR » Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:31 am

Are you saying that my post is spam?

Not intended to be - I'll delete it if that's the forums view.

I'm not trying to sell batteries - just to find out whether they are likely to be any good as I can buy them trade.

I know LiFePo4 batteries are better - but at this stage the cost makes it too much of a gamble for me. I can try out my ideas with £500 worth of Lead acid or 10k worth of Lithium. It's a no brainer from my point of view.

Also, my local scrap yard (the same one my motor came from has a disposal contract for UPS batteries and gets a lot of big ones PC1700 and 2400. Generally he sells them for the value of the lead @ £5 to £10 and will buy them back for 75% of that when they are dud. I have previously turned up with a drop tester and come away with a truck-load of pretty decent batteries - so using re-cycled might also be a way to go.


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Postby qdos » Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:11 pm

Hi Simon sorry no it's Danny's posts

He's spamming lots of pages at the moment so we've hijacked his posts for the moment till his Chinese head realises it's not appreciated.

As long as postings are informative and helpful we're quite happy for people to discuss their wares but we don't appreciate simple posts just continually plugging a site with no explanations

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Postby qdos » Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:26 am

OK we've now moved the Spammy bit by Danny to the Spam Zone

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Postby MB » Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:40 pm


I'm interested in finding out more about these Numax EV batteries as well. So far I haven't been able to find out much. Have you managed to find out any more about the range and what is available?

I'm tempted to take a punt on a set of these if the price is right...

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More information ...

Postby 280z1975 » Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:07 pm

I found a PDF on this range of battery. See the manual for "
Numax and Yuasa VRLA Batteries" on this site:

it's a VERY long pdf, but the money page is 31 and 32 where they list the 1hr AH ratings for their batteries ... so these could be promising.

Model N.V 20HR 10HR 5HR 1HR Length Width Height (kg)
FNC121000 12 106 100 91.0 66.0 443 167 228 40.00
FNC121200 12 127 120 109 79.2 500 180 225 44.00
FNC121500 12 159 150 137 99.0 500 260 225 55.00
FNC122000 12 212 200 182 132 500 260 225 68.00

I think the FNC121200 are the most interesting. A 1H AH rating of 79.2, a wight of 44kg (528kgs for a full 144v pack) and they are only 500 x 180 x 225.

They are claimed to have about 450 cycles of use at 50% DOD and over 1000 cycles at 30% DOD (page 20).

This page lists a different set of statistics as the PDF ... 26hs%3DYfw

The Manbat site lists the price on the FNC121200 at £221.37. So £2,650 for a 144V pack ....


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