Telegraph Attacks EVs

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Telegraph Attacks EVs

Postby nempnett.thrubwell » Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:37 am

There seems to be something funny going on at the Telegraph. Since Gordon and his chums announced their backing for electric cars, there have been a string of articles and comments published in the telegraph that completely dismiss the electric car as an alternative to the status quo. It started with a letter written by Professor Stanley Fieldman on April 9th stating that electric cars are ~25% efficient and diesel cars are 45% efficient. This is patently not true. On the same day Mike Rutherford wrote an article rubbishing electric cars but his comments are most disingenuous. Ok, so far just comment an opinion. However, on the 18th April I read with dismay that Melissa Kite, Deputy Political Editor has picked up on a letter published on 17th from Paul F. Withrington (Director, Transport Watch) that states that electric cars are just as polluting if not more so than conventional cars and he bases this on “detailed calculationsâ€Â

Jon Fray
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Postby Jon Fray » Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:18 pm

"Transport Watch UK" is essentially one person = Paul Withrington.
He seems to be a very embittered ex-local authority person.

It just goes to show how one person with an axe to grind can be so effective as a publicity machine.

The Telegraph is not reliable.

Rutherford is a disgrace

How do you right the wrongs? Write some "research" and send it as a press release to the Daily Mail/ Telegraph/ Times etc etc.

Problem is that they won't write about your report because it won't fit their political agenda.

Therefore you could also write a pro-electric car piece that is critical of Gordon Brown. That would confuse them! :roll:

Jon Fray
Posts: 46
Joined: Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:15 am

Postby Jon Fray » Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:29 pm

I wonder what "Professor Stanley Fieldman" is best known for?
Google can only identify that he wrote a letter to the Telegraoh once.

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