IT car is coming to the UK

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Postby floydster » Mon Jul 02, 2007 4:38 pm

ChrisB wrote:Interesting post there goochy.

I have to wonder why we have to put up with something that looks like a Noddy car as an EV :roll:, while yes they are and a lot of the time have to be small and light weight etc why do they have to make them look so...............well you know :roll:

When will manufactures realise they need to produce something that looks just like a normal motor, its not that hard is it.

Once again I'll rave on about the Blingo because its exactly that, a normal motor, that dosnt look out of place and does what it says on the tin.

Its not shouting look I'm a tree hugger loon and have to drive something bizzare, its just like any other van out there and the version with the windows and back seats just passes itself by as a normal multispace 8)

Dont get me wrong I actually quite like driving bizzare vehicles that get me noticed but there are many people who dont want the attention and when I hear peoples comments about things like the G-wizz one of the things they normally say is they wouldnt be seen dead in something that looks like that :roll:
The first thing they tend to say to me is how "normal" looking the blingo is 8)
Shame about the owner mind you :lol:


Whenever I'm talking EVs to folk pretty much all of them are put off by the style. Plenty BVS members have converted "normal cars", I'm sure the first big manufacturer who converts one of their current production cars and promotes it well would dominate the market.

I know I'm in my own world - it's OK, they know me here.

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Postby qdos » Mon Jul 02, 2007 7:03 pm

floydster wrote:
Whenever I'm talking EVs to folk pretty much all of them are put off by the style. Plenty BVS members have converted "normal cars", I'm sure the first big manufacturer who converts one of their current production cars and promotes it well would dominate the market.


The French already have done on several occasions. The trouble with that is no one notices them and if they do they then moan about the lack of range and use that as an excuse not to buy one. The plug in Hybrid is the most likely to become the successful machine and currently it's looking like Toyota have the lead there. You see they already are here just being as you see them all the time people just don't notice ;) Honda also had their's too, the Insight. Did you not notice it?

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