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Postby ChrisB » Tue Jan 02, 2007 9:31 am

floydster wrote:Power's back :D Just finished reading the Nov-Dec 2006 Battery Vehicle Review in a nice hot bath and two pages from the back there's a letter from Christine Gupta querying how often the BVS web site is updated. She's done a site which is pretty good . Definitely worth a look.


Glad you got some juice at last :wink:

Yep I saw that too, I also noted that no one replied with an answer to her question regarding the BVS website :roll: :cry:

I have been on her site and invited her over so hopefully we shall be seeing her as a member soon :)

Alan ( who is a member here ) replied regarding the Th!nk cars which I think ( excuse the pun :lol: ) you could well be one of the few people who where not aware of the crushing U turn Ford did on the little Th!nks.
I'm not sure about importing them back over mind you, TBH I dont know who or where they currently are ?? I've had a nose about on the net but keep coming up against walls ?? I suspect they are all lined up in a field somewhere slowly rotting out :cry:

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Postby clnbrtltt » Tue Jan 02, 2007 10:51 am

Regarding the Th!nk; I expressed an interest on their website and also asked about the possibility of a 4 seater for use on Country roads and had an e-mail back from Michael Eimstad saying they were considering a 2+2 option for the new Th!nk City which they are planning to launch in the UK in second half of 2007. It will have a range of 180km and top speed of 100km/h. Sounds great but I'll believe it when I see it. Problem always seems to be availability where (I think they are only aware of London!)
I have found Christine Gupta's website really useful. She has a link there to the New Th!nk.


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Postby ChrisB » Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:01 am

mmm interesting, but one as to wonder whats happened to all the old ones :cry:

Its a bit like the PSA vehicles the poor old public only really get their hands on these things afterwards and when they are in need of repair etc.

I really cant understand why manufactures are so scared of letting the public at EV's :? especially in the UK

I remember talking to a Pug dealer when I was trying to buy a 106 electric and he point blank said there was no such vehicle ...........until I showed him the print offs and brouchures I had .......... much back tracking and foot in mouth then took place but at the end of it he still refused to sell me one or import one for me etc :evil:

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Postby floydster » Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:54 pm

ChrisB wrote:Give one of the committee a shout then Floydster and offer your services, gota be worth a try.

I've just emailed everyone on the comittee with an email address offering my services for free.

ChrisB wrote:I'm not the worlds best when it comes to HTLM :oops:

Me neither, I do a couple of sites for fun but it would be good to do something a bit more useful with my free time.


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Postby ChrisB » Fri Jan 05, 2007 8:18 am

Your lucky to have "Free" time :lol:

I'll be interested to see how you get on.

I see Christine has now joined us, but hasnt posted yet :? Dont be shy Christine we dont bite :wink:

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Postby floydster » Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:54 pm

ChrisB wrote:Alan ( who is a member here ) replied regarding the Th!nk cars which I think ( excuse the pun :lol: ) you could well be one of the few people who where not aware of the crushing U turn Ford did on the little Th!nks.
I'm not sure about importing them back over mind you, TBH I dont know who or where they currently are ?? I've had a nose about on the net but keep coming up against walls ?? I suspect they are all lined up in a field somewhere slowly rotting out :cry:

You've probably found it but just in case you haven't here's a link to a Th!nk forum:

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Postby floydster » Wed Jan 17, 2007 9:29 pm

ChrisB wrote:Ah Practical Classics might be interested , keep us upto date with how things go :wink:

The mag's out today. The feature's pretty good but the main picture shows the only bit of rot very clearly. However, I am chuffed that my car was described as "one very scary piece of kit" in regards to the performance :)

No mention of the BVS though :( However, they did say that they would do a feature if I ever did manage to power an electric car using the wonderful Scottish weather. Just need to find my Enfield now although a Scamp would do.

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Postby ChrisB » Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:00 pm

Dont suppose you could scan the page for us ??

Typical that they dont mention the BVS :roll:

Theres been a couple of Enfields in the BVS mag........ up till now :roll:

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Postby floydster » Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:06 pm

Here's a link to a scan of the article. Good reading from the part titled "Pulling from the front" :) (15 meg download)

I'll keep it here for a couple of weeks.

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Postby ChrisB » Thu Jan 25, 2007 12:23 am

Cheers, havent had a chance to grab it yet , I'll give you a shout once I've read it :wink:

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