How fast could i go ?

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How fast could i go ?

Postby cranwellpoacher » Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:28 pm

Hi there.As some of you have already read on my previous post, i am planning to try and convert an old VW Scirocco to run on electric power and then use it to raise money for charity.The latest idea i have had is to try and produce the fastest car i can using standard technolgy and "off the shelf" parts and then be to take it to as many VW meetings as possible, including GTI international at Bruntingthorpe and put it up against standard ICE cars on the 1/4 mile strip, hopefully attracting attention (and donations) both for the charity and also to demonstrate the performance of EV's and dispel some misconceptions that people have about EV's being slow and unreliable.Any help and advice in relation to this project would be greatly appreciated.
The car that i am intending to convert is the Scirocco that i used on this years fundraiser for Leukaemia Research (details are at ).Cheers.Andy :D

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Postby qdos » Fri Oct 12, 2007 9:15 pm

Paul has converted a Sirocco to EV I'm sure he'll be able to give you some pointers

Paul !?!

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Postby ChrisB » Fri Oct 12, 2007 9:38 pm

Lots of batteries, a big motor or motors and LOADS of money.

A fast EV generally wont have much in the way of range.

Have a look at it might give you some ideas :wink:

I think your first thing needs to be money, i.e. how much you have to spend on this project, once you know that then you can buy the right bits to get the most for your money.
Its no good looking at say a 10 grand set of li-ion batteries if theres no way you can afford them, same goes for motors

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