Keys remotes and imobilisers.

Dedicated to the conversion sold by the now defunct Electric Car Company

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Keys remotes and imobilisers.

Postby Grumpy-b » Thu May 29, 2014 3:52 pm

As you may be aware, modern cars have the key coded to the ECU, and the Remote coded to the remote door locking system (Some versions dont have central locking). They are totally separate systems, and since the ECU has been removed and has no function in the Evie it wont surprise you to hear the chip/ imobiliser isnt used . So if you need new keys just get a blank cut, cases and blades are cheap on ebay, and a previously enjoyed remote and code that to the car. Lots of stuff about how to do that on line.
I have checked and the car will drive without a chipped key.


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