IT car is coming to the UK

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IT car is coming to the UK

Postby aminorjourney » Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:24 pm

Well, after a few "is it isn't it" moments when I heard from various people conflicting things about the Dynasty IT car I'm pleased to announce that yes, it does appear to be coming to the UK.

With very little known about final price I can't comment how it'll fare with other vehicles when it comes to budgetary considerations but if it is a good City car it may be the first true four-seater out there for some time.

Anyone like the Pickup? I'm pretty hooked - although I've heard the build quality isn't that hot. Does anyone have any substantiated evidence one way or another?

The IT car website is
Apparently the UK version will have a higher top speed ! :)

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Postby goochmeister » Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:42 pm

I'm very interested to see how well this ev does ,it will be a good measure of how much the public wants to embrace the ev revolution.
I had an "IT" and regarded it as little more than a badly assembled golf cart I'd rather have a Wiz and thats saying something.
Sorry guys but I just tell it like it is, maybe the new ones are better??

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Postby ChrisB » Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:53 am

Interesting post there goochy.

I have to wonder why we have to put up with something that looks like a Noddy car as an EV :roll:, while yes they are and a lot of the time have to be small and light weight etc why do they have to make them look so...............well you know :roll:

When will manufactures realise they need to produce something that looks just like a normal motor, its not that hard is it.

Once again I'll rave on about the Blingo because its exactly that, a normal motor, that dosnt look out of place and does what it says on the tin.

Its not shouting look I'm a tree hugger loon and have to drive something bizzare, its just like any other van out there and the version with the windows and back seats just passes itself by as a normal multispace 8)

Dont get me wrong I actually quite like driving bizzare vehicles that get me noticed but there are many people who dont want the attention and when I hear peoples comments about things like the G-wizz one of the things they normally say is they wouldnt be seen dead in something that looks like that :roll:
The first thing they tend to say to me is how "normal" looking the blingo is 8)
Shame about the owner mind you :lol:

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Postby MalcolmB » Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:08 am

I have to wonder why we have to put up with something that looks like a Noddy car as an EV

You took the words right out of my mouth Chris. I'd guess that most EV enthusiasts tend to be individualists who don't worry too much about conforming, so we're thick-skinned enough to drive unusual-looking vehicles without getting upset over a few jokes at our expense.

Most people are much more conformist and much less willing to drive anything that looks different. Unless the EV industry can offer mainstream designs or individual designs that are so 'sexy' that they create a cult following, it will never win over the general public. Most people aren't swayed by arguments of cost or efficiency or saving the planet, they're concerned about image. Image is everything nowadays – I just have to listen to my 12-year-old son to realise that. What the EV industry desperately needs is some fresh design talent to clothe our tree-hugging creations in a beautiful body shell that will make people go 'wow, what's that?' rather than ask where Big Ears is.

Sorry, I'd better stop there – three posts and I've already got my soapbox out. :D

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Postby qdos » Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:16 pm

I tend to disagree though I do know where you are coming from and do go along with your comments but the last thing I want to do is conform to the norm. I admit I do drive a very bland Nissan Primera though and I absolutely love it it's a superb car I enjoy driving it as much as I did my Lotus Excel. Crazy huh? I've built a couple of cars myself a Spartan when I was 17/18 which I drove for over 11 years every single day and after the Lotus I built a Ginetta G27 so I'm used to attention. there really is a buzz you get when you come back to the car park with a group of folk admiring your car and all talking about it.

But you know the car which gets the most admiring comments and literally gets girls queueing up to sit in it?

Yep, believe it or not it's the Noddy car to the left here in my profile pic. You would be amazed how handsome I become when I am driving it.

Now ask yourself this. Would the G Wiz have been as successful if it looked like a Ford Fiesta ? Somehow I don't think it would. I agree it looks Noddy but be honest how many of the people who say they wouldn't be seen dead in one would actually buy an EV in any case?

Lets face it guys, until EVs are being churned out like Ford Focus and Mondeos they will always be a minority and as such they should be proud to be different. It's by being differnet that people talk about them. How many people talk about the RAV4 or the Berlingo. none other than us EVers Why cos no on really knows they exist other than us.

Right I need to go find my red hat and bell. Catch you later ;)

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Postby MalcolmB » Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:32 pm

Hi qdos
Would the G Wiz have been as successful if it looked like a Ford Fiesta

Good point. Probably not, but don't you think it would have been even more successful if it had looked like a Cree Sam

I wouldn't class the Zest as a noddy car by the way, I'd say it was an all-out fun car – more a modern interpretation of the beach buggy. It's also obviously well-engineered. A weight of just 370 kg is very impressive.

I'm not arguing against cars that are individualistic – just the contrary. But what I don't like is designs that are thrown together as an afterthought. The McLaren F1 was built as an engineer's car, but they had the sense to ask a good designer to wrap a pretty skin around it, and it shows.

I won't expect a reply from you for a while, as I imagine you'll be fighting off the girls for a week when they catch a glimpse of you wearing your hat :P

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Postby qdos » Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:07 pm

MalcolmB wrote:Hi qdos
Would the G Wiz have been as successful if it looked like a Ford Fiesta

Good point. Probably not, but don't you think it would have been even more successful if it had looked like a Cree Sam

Oh god the Cree Sam LUST LUST!!!!! :P

But then be honest again the Cree Sam is an enclosed motorbike type vehicle much like a Messerschmitt was so it's a totally different type of vehicle to anything else out there currently. I say currently cos I know of something that will be available in the near future ;)

By the way thanks for saying that about the Zest but trust me as I drive a Zest I get Noddy being said ALL the time (That's my Zest in the pic) but that's ok I just smile when the girls ask for a lift with me rather than with matey in his BMW :D

PS it's the blokes in the BMWs I have to fight off cos they don't like their girls preferring my Zest to their Beemers (confession to make I did once have a 525 as a company car :oops: )

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Postby goochmeister » Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:16 pm

I think the small amount of (dare I say) odd balls buying EV's at the moment are more than happy to put up with the dodgy build quality ,bad designs and poor performance associated with the majority of EV's on the road because it says something about themselves to the general public.Lets face it we are all a bit different from the norm!
If we really want the EV to become a commercial success then we will have to set it free and start building vehicles that appeal to the rest of the world (and we can then go back to those crazy petrol cars). At the moment all the most succesful EV's are a little on the Kooky side because they only have to appeal to a very small market sector, as the market grows manufacturers will invest in their product and to sell more vehicles these designs will become more mainstream.

Incidently I have had many EVs, the best by a long ,long way were the 106 and the B'lingo.No one noticed that they were electric . I became bored of them very quickly.On the other hand the Gwiz and especially the "IT" were so so bad that I didnt drive them! but I will allways have fond memories of them, The IT in particular ,It only saw the open road once and I was stopped by a Wiz driver and several passers by.
I will add : I dont Know what the Ladies are like in your neck of the woods Qdos (maybe you are a very good looking lad) but given the choice I'd take the BMW out on a friday night, even if I didnt get lucky I would at least be warm!

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Postby EVguru » Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:13 am

I drove a 106 at EVS15 in Brussels.

I though it was too slow off the line, in fact it was the worst car I'd ever driven for acceleration to 10mph and I really didn't feel safe pulling out into Brussels town trafic.

If there's one thing an EV should excell at it's low end torque.

I think the latter cars were much improved though.

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Postby goochmeister » Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:55 pm

Must have been something wrong with it.
Around london I never ever found the 106 lacking it would even spin its wheels if nailed when wet!! Of the lights I could catch allmost anyone out.The It had pretty good acceleration ,if not a bit ratterly,a bit like a wooden rollercoaster.

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