Scotland Meet Up?

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Scotland Meet Up?

Postby Curious » Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:02 pm

Hi folks,

I was on the website and have seen that Scotland is without any events. Plenty of events elsewhere by the looks of it but Scotland is a bit dry on that front.

I am based in Aberdeen so ideally if there were folks up this way I would like to meet up but if it turns out Edinburgh, Glasgow or somewhere else is more convenient for people then I have plenty of reasons to come down anyway so meeting up with EV enthusiasts and the likes would be great.

Here's hoping for some chat,



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Postby Curious » Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:07 pm

As I don't have any formal dates, plans etc and this is more a message to generate a meeting. I will leave the formalities until later.

That and I also did not read the guidelines until I had written my message :) Did not look before taking my leap.

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Postby MaryRCrumpton » Fri Nov 06, 2009 9:20 am

Hi Cearuil,

from memory, we do have a few Society members in North-East Scotland. You might like to speak to our Scotland regional contact (whose telephone number etc is listed in the front of the Society magazine).

Because we don't have thousands of BVS members in Scotland, my feeling would be that you would get higher numbers of people at your gathering by shouting about it lots on here over the course of about a month, AND, by getting it into the events listing in the magazine (send an email to Brian before Nov 16th if you want your event to appear in the Dec-Jan issue, due out first week in December).

When I organised my first local gathering a couple years ago we just met up in a pub near me and swapped stories. That was good fun. And we meet once a month to do that now.

Good luck with it. Hope you manage to connect with like-minded souls up there. :)

BVS North-West Coordinator, based in Manchester.
Contact via Text/Phone on 07751 696 055

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