The range thread

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The range thread

Postby ChrisB » Wed May 23, 2007 11:35 am

I'm starting this thread as a way of gathering info on the range people are getting from their EV's, it dosnt matter if its a bike or car or van.

If you could post the type of EV it is (basic details will do, or you can add more ) and then the furthest you have travelled in it in one charge.
Please can we have actual tested ranges and not just ones in theory.
It might be an idea to say what sort of battery you are using as well.

Feel free to add to the thread as and when you get better range or worse if you want to.

I'll start the ball rolling................

Berlingo Electric Van
50.2 miles
Mainly @ 30-40mph with 10miles at 50mph, mainly flat driving.
27 x 6 volt Nicads 100Ah

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Postby aminorjourney » Thu May 24, 2007 1:31 pm

Well here goes.

I have a 1998 CityEl With 3x12v SLA batteries.

So far the maximum I've done on a single charge was 18 miles although City El repute the maximum to be 30 miles.

Average speed is between 25-30mph to get that. If I drive at 30-35mph I don't get the range and in Town traffic i get about 12 miles if I drive it harshly.

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Postby Flying John » Fri May 25, 2007 9:47 am

Well the Green Machine a Bedford CF has 37 180A/H AGM's fitted which are now 18 months old (being 4yrs old when I aquired them) and I am getting about 40 miles at up to 55mph.


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Postby aminorjourney » Fri May 25, 2007 11:18 am

Hi Folks,

Just got back from a trip from my house to Ashton Court in Bristol. Surficed to say I live on the top of a largish hill and Ashton Court is also on a largish hill with Bristol in-between.

Distance: 15.6 miles. Average speed: 25 mph.

Sadly though I think I was at my limit of SAFE driving as I slowed right up to 10 mph on one hill near my home. :(

I'm sure I could do more but I'm not sure I would want to in busy traffic.


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Postby ChrisB » Fri May 25, 2007 10:16 pm

Oh .................god :shock:

Been out in the van most of the day clocking up the miles and it just got madder and madder :shock: :shock:

Felt very pleased with this result, and no sign of the dreaded low voltage eco light 8)


So by now I was close to home so I thought just for a laugh I'd keep going and see what happened ............check out that mileage !!!


So how much further can this little van go ?? and has the low voltage eco light bulb blown ?? no cos theres two of them that light up telling me that its time for a re-charged......................................... so if I keep going I wonder what will happen?? lets see ..................


OK now this is daft , the energy meter is now say a big fat ZERO but I'm still whizzing along :?


Check out that discharge on the eco meter :oops:

Well there you go, today I travelled in the end 63.2 miles :shock: I will admit that after I welly'd it, for that last shot, the re-charge light did illuminate which doesnt surprise me but the energy meter had been sat on ZERO for a the past mile or so, which just goes to show how much you can trust it :roll: :lol:

How many more miles I could have done who know , not many I doubt but I might have squeezed it to 65 ??

Speed today ranged from 30mph to 45 mph max, but I did drive very carefully once I was down to the yellow 20% area and VERY carefully once in the red 10% section but only making sure I didnt pull away fast.

And before any one says anything I got my friend to take the pics as I was driving :wink:

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Richard Elliott
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Postby Richard Elliott » Sat May 26, 2007 9:26 am

I'm using my Berlingo with its 27 nicads on a regular basis but pretty well entirely on short journeys that involve around an average of 10 miles a day. Its what you might term urban driving although its between the congested town of Ashburton and up and down an undulating route between it and Buckfastleigh with a few trips in and out of the town and round the congested village - plenty of stopping and starting and creeping up behind unsuspecting holidaymakers! Great fun! I find I am only carrying out a recharge every third day now having spent some time doing daily recharges after the recent battery swapping (see page about my experiences, and thanks to ChrisB for his help and advice. But it does leave the batteries to their own devices overnight, bearing in mind some of ChrisB's comments that may be affecting things. And I'm advised I need a new auxiliary battery.

Recent range results have been:-

Over 3 days 26 miles on 48% (Equivalent of 52 miles per charge)
Over 4 days 33miles on 71% - including some emergency running of surplus Ice Cream all round Buckfast to various friends freezers to do with the day job and involving a serious hill!) (Equivalent to 46 mpc).
Poor lads on charge again to be prepared to recover the Ice Cream - he may need one (or his driver may).)

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Postby booboo » Sat May 26, 2007 10:11 am

Heh heh

here goes ;

London to Brighton run in a Sinclair C5.

Went from Millbank,London to just past Redhill using two "standard" reproduction Sinclair batteries purchased from Adam Harper. It was the hill just outside Redhill that finished them off !

Can't be too accurate on the mileage since no speedo fitted, guess about 20miles ?

Not too useful for your survey, since being a C5 there has to be some use of pedals along the way :wink:
London to Brighton on a Sinclair C5 - 6/5/07 - what a trip !
Ford Explorer 4.0 v6 petrol for everyday abuse - thank God for LPG
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Postby aminorjourney » Sat May 26, 2007 8:12 pm

20 miles in a C5 - That's about as good as my City El!

But then most people think my car is a Sinclair C5 anyway so :roll:

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Postby arsharpe » Wed May 30, 2007 9:18 pm

Berlingo V reg.
Not sure what the batteries are.
10 kmiles

All to 0% energy, not a complete stop. On a single run.

Miles Speed......Notes
51.....40 mph....A roundabout about every 2 miles. Had soft back tyre and others running @ 41 psi
45.....40 mph....Same route as above, but RAINING + lights @ 45 psi [1]
60.....35 mph....Half at 30 mph level cross country. Half at 35-40 mph and up/down hill @ 45 psi

[1] Note the reduction due to rain even with high pressures. Lights equate to about 1 mile.

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Postby aminorjourney » Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:27 pm

I must say I feel very lacking in range... I shall have to work at getting my City El up to 50 miles or so :)

Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield

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